White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

10 Ways to Stop Stress Eating

Food journal helps identify stress eating triggers. Rate hunger 1-10 & note feelings. Reflect on triggers & make list of alternatives to eating.

Keep a food journal

Acknowledge emotions triggering stress eating. It's okay to feel mad, lonely, or bored. Don't judge them. Let them come & go without fixing them.

Own up to your feelings.

Ask, "What happens if I don't eat?" Tolerate emotions or find other ways to deal with stress. Try crunchy snacks like nuts or carrots.

Work on your coping skills.

Reflect on feelings and make a list of alternatives to eating. Try a brisk walk, herbal tea, music, meditation, reading, or calling a friend.

Find alternatives to eating

Delay tactic works. Promise to wait a few mins. Chances are, you'll get distracted, and the craving will pass.

Wait it out

Break the emotional eating cycle. Don't treat negative emotions with food. Un-learn the habit and practice alternatives.

Unlearn your bad habits

Eat smaller meals frequently during stress. Give yourself permission to eat. Skipping meals will harm energy levels & lead to overeating.

Eat regularly & don’t skip meals

Stressed? Avoid caffeine, it disrupts sleep. Drink decaf coffee/tea to avoid lack of energy and sleep disturbance.

Cut back on caffeine

Practice mindful eating to avoid overeating. Become aware of internal signals of hunger and fullness. Enjoy food more and choose wisely.

Practice mindful eating

Eat more fruits and vegetables to reduce stress; they're rich in antioxidants, fiber, and hydration. Be creative with how you add them to your meals.

Consume a more colorful diet