3 Zodiac Signs Who May Feel Unloved On October 24, 2023

During the Pisces Moon on October 24, 2023, we may find that we are a little too sensitive, or perhaps if we are empathetic types 

Three zodiac signs tend to hop right on board the Pisces Moon train, and it will be these three zodiac signs that run the gamut of emotions today. 

While this is not a true barometer of our real feelings, we know that, as human beings, we tend to get overly emotional and weepy during certain times of the year. 

October 24 sets us up with the perfect storm for misunderstanding the feelings of others. What we call empathy might actually be our paranoia 

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The last thing you ever want people to feel towards you is sympathy as you really don't like thinking of yourself as someone who is 'that pitiful' and yet, on October 24, 2023 

Today has you feeling as if you've been personally selected as the target for all of your friend's ill feelings ... and nothing has really happened.  

You don't want to know that you are loved today, and on October 24, 2023, you'll practically go out of your way to find out that you aren't loved. 

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