4 Ways to Stay Motivated While Losing Weight

Do you wish to enhance your general health? Do you desire more vigor or self-assurance? Do you want to be around for your grandchildren or children? Do you suffer from medical conditions that would be improved by losing weight?

Identify Your “Why”

Asking friends and relatives for help can help you when you lack inspiration. Join a gym with experienced trainers who can offer advice while you work out.

Set Realistic Goals

To avoid feeling alone on your path to achievement, join an online group where individuals discuss their experiences with related goals.

Set Realistic Goals

Remove extra sweets from your diet during the first week. (Or, something to refrain from doing.)

Make a plan of action

Make sure you consume five fruits and vegetables every day throughout the second week. (Or, something you should begin doing.)

Make a plan of action

Add other things to quit doing and start doing during the coming weeks. As you proceed, you'll develop healthier habits!

Make a plan of action

Writing down your "why" in a journal is a great tool to keep you motivated and focused as you move toward living a healthier, happier life.

Journal Your “Why”

Before making any kind of lifestyle change, writing down your thoughts and feelings might help you stay in touch with yourself when you're feeling doubtful or discouraged.

Journal Your “Why”

If you are devoted over time, it gives you the opportunity to take stock of your accomplishments to date and what is ahead.

Journal Your “Why”

Writing in a journal before, during, and after your journey will offer you access to your innermost ideas, which will bring clarity.

Journal Your “Why”

I also strongly believe in the power of affirmations.  Include a few in your diary so you can read them every day to remind yourself of your "why."  

Journal Your “Why”

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