8 Foods That can Increase Your Stamina

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1. Nuts

instant energy boost, rich in proteins, omega-3s, and bioactive compounds. Improve stamina, endurance, and muscle health.

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2. Brown Rice

Slow-release energy, high fiber & protein, Vit B complex. Keeps you full, sustains stamina. 112 kcal, 2g fiber, 2g protein/100g.

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3. Eggs

high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for stamina, energy, muscle repair, and endurance.

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4. Fatty Fish

high protein, vitamin B, and omega-3s. Boost mood, energy, and metabolism. 100g salmon: 142 kcal, 20g protein, omega-3s.

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5. Sweet Potato

steady energy with complex carbs & fiber. 100g = 86 kcal, 20g carbs, 2g protein, 3g fiber, 400% Vit A, 28% manganese. Energy from manganese breakdown.

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6. Green Leafy Vegetables

Iron deficiency causes low stamina. Leafy greens (spinach, kale) improve RBC count, boost stamina with energy release.

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7. Fruits

rich in nutrients, reduce cardiovascular risks, boost energy.

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8. Coffee

instant energy boost with caffeine, stimulates brain, fights fatigue, activates central nervous system.