8 Things Only Cat Owners Understand

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1. You're Never Not Covered in Cat Hair

Don't bother with cat hair on clothes. Embrace it as a sweet reminder of your furry friend wherever you go

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2. You Stopped Putting Any Item on Any Surface

Cats topple everything. No decor, flowers, or iPhones are safe. Prepare for chaos.

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3. You're Unfazed by Cat Butt in Your Face

Cat owners often encounter their cats' butts up close; it may seem gross, but it's a sign of affection—cats show they like you that way!

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4. Cats Sleep Constantly

Cats snooze in sunny spots until 1-3 hours before your alarm, then they exercise, scratch, and climb on your face.

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5.You Forget Your Cat Is Literally Pooping

Cats poop in boxes, we clean. Acceptable, but messy.

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6. Your Cat Loves Cardboard Boxes More Than His Expensive Bed

Cat rejects carefully chosen bed for lowly cardboard box. Disappointing, but cats will be cats.

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7. Your Cat Eats Better Food Than You

I eat store-bought food, while my cat enjoys meticulously formulated, top-quality food from veterinary nutritionists, occasionally regurgitating it on the rug.

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8. You've Accepted That Your Cat Is Boss

Counter-knock, laptop-sitter, meowing phantom-chaser.