9 Sneaky Ways to Sleep Lose Weight


 Sleep enough

Healthy weight control starts with sleep. Studies reveal that sleeping seven hours a night helps regulate hunger hormones and metabolism.

Stretch before bed

Start your nighttime routine with some stretching. Stretching improves sleep quality. It may also improve circulation and muscular recovery, making you feel great the next morning.

Create a healthy sleep environment

The Sleep Foundation suggests keeping your bedroom cold, dark, and without electronics for best sleep. A peaceful sleep environment might help you sleep longer and lose weight.

Hydrate all day

Hydrate throughout the day to maintain your body's functioning, enhance metabolism, and reduce eating.  Mild dehydration might produce misleading hunger signals.


Avoid eating before bed.

Late-night desires are tempting, but avoid eating before bed. Late dining might impair digestion and increase overeating, which can contribute to weight gain, according to research. Instead, have a light, early meal to let your body digest before bed.

Maintain a sleep regimen.

A consistent sleep pattern is going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, including on weekends.

Sleep coolly.

Stay cool and comfy in your bedroom to sleep. Study shows that sleeping in colder temperatures helps your body relax and slumber deeply.

Manage stress levels.

Stress and sleep are related and affect weight control.  Participants with overweight or obesity who practiced stress management lost more weight than those who didn't.

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