A measure of the length of time that males prefer to date before committing to a relationship.

For couples who aren't clear on what their partnership means, the phrase "DTR-Define the relationship" may be a genuine pain. Going from being just friends to being each other's boyfriend or girlfriend is no easy feat.

At times, it might be difficult to define the connection since, funnier than funny, people sometimes fail to notice if they are in a relationship at all! That being said, we have compiled the opinions of six guys to give you an idea of how long you should date before you can officially call it a couple.

I was spending the entire day with my girlfriend. Even in the evenings, we would go out together after studying. Our buddies made fun of the fact that we were dating. When we realized how close we were, I asked her out on a date!

When I finally realized I wanted to talk to her alone, it was already too late. As my closest confidante, she had been, dare I say it, rather encouraging. I lost her to another person because I suppressed my unspoken, unfulfilled emotions. “I should have asked her out.”

No matter how many dates you've been on, it won't matter if you and your partner agree on the nature of your relationship. Communicate your dating ground rules to your partner and make sure she knows she can count on you to do the same. You may move closer to a relationship in this manner. Therefore, it is helpful if you and your partner are in agreement.

My guideline was to date a female for one or two months before being exclusive. After three weeks of getting to know each other, my current partner and I committed to a relationship. Your energy and vibe with the person is key. When with her, I loved myself and she brought out my best.”

“I don't want women who take weeks or months to decide if they want me. If I like a lady, I inform her on the second or third date that we'll be casual daters with restrictions. I've met ladies who waited three weeks to say yes to a second date. So no, huge NO.”

“I didn't know you had to ask each other out to be girlfriend and boyfriend. I imagined we would be a couple if I was with my partner long-term. Instead, she asks me when I'll ask her out. Then it hit me!”

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