Avoid Dating Men With These Jobs If You Want a Serious Relationship 

Any employee of a cruise line. Once off the coast, everyone pretends to be single.  

I'm not into documenting and sharing every aspect of my life on social media, therefore I wouldn't want to marry an influencer.  

I enjoy quiet time at home with my loved ones. By Rooseegirl 

"Comedian… I dated one briefly, but we broke up soon after. I didn't want to become one of his props." 

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"A performer. I can't help but wonder if their wives ever interpret 'romantic' scenes as evidence of infidelity on their part.  

Because, obviously, the casting directors want the performers to have a good rapport with one another so that the situations feel more natural. 

I'm currently in a relationship with a musician, but if things don't work out, I plan to avoid them in the future. 

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