By 2024, Pluto's Direct Stationing Will Change Every Zodiac.

Aries Aries, your public image has changed drastically during the previous 15 years. A strange square to your sign has made you rethink how you represent yourself at work

Taurus Since 2008, you've struggled to reconcile your worldview and your beliefs. Pluto in your ninth house of religion and higher study has established a harmonious

Gemini Gemini, you've struggled for 15 years. Pluto in your eighth house of death, metamorphosis, and other people's money suggests multiple terrible soul nights.

Cancer Cancer, Pluto has opposed your natal sign for 15 years, making this one of your worst times. Pluto's negative influence on your seventh house has made relationship

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Leo Leo, the past fifteen years have been confusing as you struggled to match your charming and fun-loving nature with your rigid and traditional daily routine. 

Virgo Virgo, the Pluto trine has helped you control your image for 15 years. You may not have seen it that way then. Its presence in your fifth house of creativity, fun

Libra Libra, your public persona and internal struggles have contrasted. Pluto has been making a difficult square to your sign since 2008, upsetting family

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