Diet to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

 There are several diets that may help you shed unhealthy weight. According to a new study, the keto diet

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 In the 8th International Scientific Symposium New Frontiers in Scientific Research from PronoKal, via Medscape

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 They stated, "Our work has shown that the very-low-calorie ketogenic diet is effective for rapid weight loss

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 "Anyone who is put on a 600 to 800 calorie diet will lose weight regardless of if you are following a keto diet or a high-carb

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 "the keto diet is one which cannot be sustained and when a person goes off the diet, weight regain can be quite rapid."

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  "extreme restriction and guilt around food choices leads to binge eating and a dysfunctional relationship with food."

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 "As a dietitian, I don't recommend a low-calorie diet to anyone," Duffy says, preferring to educate clients

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