Dietitian: 4 Yogurt Habits to Lose Weight

Daily yogurt consumption is healthful. This delightful, creamy snack has countless advantages. 

 WebMD suggests active-culture yogurt for constipation and lactose intolerance. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says this nutritious snack is high in calcium and protein.

Yogurt is a fantastic snack for weight loss. Experts recommend these yogurt behaviors for weight loss. Upgrade your healthy snacking.

Eat This! talked with Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD, CLEC, an award-winning nutritionist, book author, and recipe developer on our Medical Expert Board. 

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"Yogurt is great for weight loss," she says. It has high-quality protein and, depending on the kind, satiating fat. Versatile, cheap, and tasty. 

Live and active cultures in many yogurts support gut microbial diversity. This may aid weight reduction."

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