Faster Fall Weight Loss Eating Habits  

 "When you don't have an eating schedule, you're more likely to skip meals, overeat, snack mindlessly,

 Maintain a Schedule

  snack mindlessly, and develop other habits that hinder weight loss," explains Health Canal nutritionist

Maintain a Schedule

 Seafood is abundant in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which studies have shown might help you feel satiated longe

 Eat More Seafood

 Besides their many health advantages, vegetables and fruit are low in calories and high in fiber, making them ideal

 Three Vegetable and Fruit Servings

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 That may be a chopped apple in oatmeal for morning, one cup of mixed green salad for lunch, and half a cup of steamed broccoli

Three Vegetable and Fruit Servings

 Saturated fat is found in many animal products, including meat and dairy. When possible, Garcia recommends

  Eating Mistakes

 Garcia recommends choosing whole grains over processed grains as another smart choice.

 Whole Grains

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