Hi cancers! Crab crisps. Yes, exactly. Chip crab. You groan, "That's unimaginative." I'll be forgiven but remembered. The crab on the box swayed me.
Bring out the biggest chip for the biggest sign. The sexy Leos need care. What else is fiery and requires constant care? Crunchy Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
Logical Virgos. They’re reliable. Dependable, hardworking. A goddess of wheat and agriculture represents them, thus you need a hearty chip. It's reliable. Kettle Brand potato chips work!
Harmonious Libra. Libras love beauty and symmetry. Air sign Libra. What’s a light, harmonic chip? PopCorners Kettle Corn chips. Air-pocketed triangles are attractive.
Capricorns, capricorns. Responsible, dutiful, and wonderful. Not because I'm a Capricorn. I'm unknown to you. Capricorns want respect, not attention. Classic Lay's Potato Chips are the coolest.
Aquarius is the kindest. Aquarians care about humanitarian problems, but they may overthink them. Idealistic like Herr's chips! Chipmaker's charity helps the community.