It is recommended by a leading dietitian that you consume these winter meals in order to strengthen your immune system and maintain your health.

Lifestyle and health coach Luke Coutinho recommends cooling meals in summer and heat-producing foods in winter. Healthy winter meals keep the body warm, enhance immunity, and avoid skin and health disorders. Luke shared winter nutrition essentials in an eight-minute Instagram video.

A widespread myth is that ghee makes you fat. For winter warmth, pure cow milk ghee provides rapid heat and energy. Vitamin A, K, E, Omega-3, and Omega-9 necessary fatty acids make ghee a healthy fat. Adding a spoonful of ghee to your winter meals will help your skin and hair.

Amla, or Indian Gooseberry, is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity. The little citrus fruit has the most vitamin C of all fruits and vegetables. The little green winter fruit cleanses the gut, eliminates toxins, and fights dandruff and other skincare issues. Winter conditions can be navigated with one amla on an empty stomach in the morning.

Winter treats include peanut chikki. A wonderful sweet that prevents illness and controls dessert cravings. Peanuts, sesame seeds, and jaggery make a great winter dessert. They fill you up and enhance immunity with zinc, iron, and magnesium. Stay away from market chikki. Instead, make it yourself.

Warming winter meal panjiri can enhance immunity and prevent colds and flu. Panjiri, made with ghee, wheat flour, nuts, and seeds, generates heat and prevents colds. Ghee-sattu ladoos are also available.

Whole grains including maize, bajra, and pearl millet improve diets. Whole grains contain carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. They improve skin, weight reduction, satiety, and healthy cholesterol. Ragi porridge is another great winter meal.

In winter, masala tea with ginger, other spices, including carom, fennel, and cumin seeds is healthy. Even tulsi tea and honey-garlic might help you beat winter. You may also eat overnight-soaked garden cress seeds.

Turmeric root and green garlic are readily accessible in winter; eat them to keep healthy. Add salt and ghee to turmeric root pickle and extra green garlic to your diet for heart health and immunity.

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