Losing Weight with the Longest-Lived  

 If the saying is true, wisdom comes with age, then the longest-lived people are the finest resources for asking about anything

Losing Weight

 Lived experience may make anyone an expert in lifestyle, mental health, job, and perspective.

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 Luckily, study has been done on how to find these smart, well-aged folks and get their life advise.

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 Dan Buettner's Blue Zones Project recognized Okinawa, Japan, Sardinia, Italy, Nicoya, Costa Rica, Ikaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, C

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 That advise includes healthy eating tips. Blue Zone cultures share many dietary practices, although they are always plant-based.

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 The initiative adds "People in the Blue Zones eat an impressive variety of garden vegetables when in season, and then they pickle

Losing Weight

 These long-lived people consume meat infrequently. Instead, beans, nuts, seeds, and greens provide weight-loss-friendly protein.

 Losing Weight

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