What was once completely prohibited has been legalized in at least 21 of the 50 states for recreational use.
Some cities are more accepting of marijuana usage than others, although this is mostly due to differences in local dispensary rules.
24/7 Tempo looked into a list created by LawnStarter, a lawn care startup that regularly does research on city and state amenities, to find the most marijuana-friendly cities .
After compiling a list of the 200 biggest cities in the United States, the website whittled it down to 105 in where marijuana usage by adults is legal.
These cities were ranked based on their performance in six groups, each of which was analyzed using 18 criteria of varying relevance.
Factor data was collected from 14 online sources, including LawnStarter's own archives and popular news outlets like CelebStoner and U.S. News.
Since the counterculture began in the West in the 1960s, and since Washington and Colorado were the first to legalize marijuana, this is not too unexpected.
California is home to three of the top four cities on this list, and almost half of those included here.