Natural And Simple Nail Care
Bacteria cause all issues. You must prevent their reproduction. Wash and dry your nails frequently.
Nail biting is harmful. Saliva weakens and discolors nails. It damages cuticles. Putting your fingers in your mouth spreads germs and grime.
Cuticles readily break. Nail care requires cuticle care. To avoid discomfort and sticking, clip a hangnail gently. Avoid biting or picking cuticles.
Nail hygiene matters! Clean and sterilize your nail equipment and nails frequently. Dirt can easily build under long nails.
Nails and skin suffer from dryness and flakiness. Nails break easily. Moisturize to strengthen.
Base coats preserve and nourish nails. Base coats protect your skin and nails from discoloration.
A top coat makes your manicure seem polished and prevents peeling. Choose a matte top coat if you want a matte effect.
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