Protein-Up 5 Meals That Melt Stubborn Belly Fat  

 Not to seem prejudiced, but this morning hash is easy to make and tasty. This protein-veggie lunch will fill you up

 Sweet Potato and Chicken Sausage

 There are no rules! This delightful treat is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Sweet Potato and Chicken Sausage

 Burger lovers, this is for you! This lean protein-rich chicken meal will satisfy your cravings without fatty meat.

 Sun-Dried Tomato Aioli

 Let's cook some lean chicken sausage with eggs for a protein-packed breakfast, lunch, or supper. Best part

 Savory Artichoke Feta Quiche

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 Because of its minimal fat, seafood is a great source of protein, according to WebMD. These Asian-inspired

 Tuna Burger

 Roast salmon with lentils is a basic dish, especially if you want to burn fat and increase protein

 Roast Salmon with Lentils

  After being sautéed with carrots and onions until done, lentils are brightened with red wine vinegar.

Roast Salmon with Lentils

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