Scientists alter healthy steps. However, the figure has been incorporated in health routines worldwide, and several studies have shown the advantages of attaining the magic number.
Scientists alter healthy steps. 1,000 steps a day reduced the chance of dying from any cause by 15%, while 500 steps a day reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 7%.
Scientists alter healthy steps. Numerous studies have linked sedentary lifestyles to cardiovascular disease and a shortened lifespan.
Scientists alter healthy steps. Physical inactivity kills 3.2 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.
Scientists alter healthy steps. Despite being set by a Japanese marketing team pushing a pedometer, 10,000 steps has remained the health standard for decades.
Scientists alter healthy steps. Walking even 4,000 steps a day lessens the chance of dying from any health issue. Walking 2,337 steps a day lowers cardiovascular disease mortality