Snacking Secretly Increases Belly Fat 

 Snackers know how hard it is to give up their favorite snacks throughout the day. Some snacking behaviors can increase

Sweet eating that increases belly fat

 Healthline adds that several research suggest everyday snacking may slow weight reduction or increase

Sweet eating that increases belly fat

 In one Journal of Hepatology research, 36 lean individuals increased their calorie intake by 40%.

Sweet eating that increases belly fat

 Too much abdominal fat poses several health hazards, and Harvard Health Publishing warns that women may be more at risk

Sweet eating that increases belly fat

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  Increased visceral fat around your organs can cause diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Sweet eating that increases belly fat

 Staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating properly is essential.

Sweet eating that increases belly fat

 First off, sugary candy is a no-no and provides empty calories. Candy also raises blood sugar. Manaker says eating too many calories

 Sweet eating that increases belly fat

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