The 3 Worst Foods for Hair Loss

Harth says that consuming these sweets and processed snacks regularly might cause hair loss and thinning, even though they're not healthy.

Sugary Foods And Refined Carbs

Overeating sugar and processed carbohydrates can harm hair regeneration in many ways, he explains. First, processed carbohydrates and sugar "increase inflammation, further increasing hair loss."

Sugary Foods And Refined Carbs

Harth also links red meat to hair loss, thinning, and weaker strands, especially when processed or fried. "Reduce your meat and fried food intake," he advises, "as red meat and fried food increase inflammation and testosterone conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Red Meat

 This male hormone causes androgenetic hair loss, he says. Red meats also raise cholesterol and block arteries, increasing heart disease risk.

Red Meat

Mercury, present in seafood and processed foods, is "associated with hair loss" when ingested in excess, Harth notes. He says, "The bigger the fish, the higher mercury levels."

Large Sea Fish

If your hair is thinning, Harth advises "avoid or reduce the amount of fish like mackerel, swordfish, and tuna" in your diet.He recommends low-mercury seafood like cod and salmon. Salmon increases hair volume and shine.

Large Sea Fish

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