The Most Passive-Aggressive Zodiac Signs
Cancer signs don't like to make a scene, but that doesn't mean they don't get frustrated or angry. They struggle between the urge to communicate their emotions.
Libras might quickly develop a passive-aggressive attitude. Even if they won't engage in a full-fledged dispute with you, they will isolate you and make sarcastic remarks.
They can be extremely passive-aggressive because of their ferocious dislike of conflict and criticism.
They believe others should be able to tell when anything is wrong or when they are dreadfully wrong because they have such a small group of friends that they know so well.
They will confront the individual if they genuinely believe they are too unaware to understand what is going on, but it will take some significant time to get there.
Geminis are known for being unable to make decisions and for trying to weigh all of their options when faced with a dilemma.
Virgos don't always act passive-aggressively, although they do occasionally. If you've really upset them, a Virgo will confront you about it.
They won't engage in a heated argument unless they've given it serious thought. You are aware that whatever they do is intentional in either case.