Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

The Unexpected Red Flag That Can Help You Spot When Your Date Is Lying

Reading Body Language

Pay close attention to their body language - crossed arms may indicate discomfort or deception.

Eye Contact Avoidance

Lack of eye contact could be a sign of dishonesty or hiding something.

Facial Expressions

Watch for sudden facial expressions that don't match their words, as it might indicate they are lying.

Excessive Fidgeting

Excessive fidgeting or nervous behavior could suggest that they are not being entirely truthful.

Phone Distractions

If your date is constantly checking their phone, they might not be fully present or truthful.

Phone Distractions

If your date is constantly checking their phone, they might not be fully present or truthful.

Hesitation in Responses

Be cautious if your date hesitates before answering questions; it could indicate they are making up stories.

Genuine Smiles

Learn to distinguish between genuine smiles and forced ones, as insincere smiles can reveal lies.

Time Awareness

Constantly checking the time may suggest that your date is not interested or being truthful.


If your date becomes overly defensive or aggressive, they might be hiding something.


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