This Week's True Romance Zodiacs (October 23–29)

Gemini Gemini, you've been working on so many tasks that your overthinking brain needs to relax and enjoy true romance. 

  Expect crimson roses on your bed or an invitation to take you on a luxurious island trip. Your partner is preparing to pamper you while at your sid

Aquarius All work and no play makes Aquarius unhappy. Expect a thrilling encounter with your long-desired crush this week. Plan a romantic date or attend 

 one invited by someone. You have to-do lists and calendars this week. Candlelit feasts and forbidden appetites await. Yum. 

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Pisces Pisces, let go of your moodiness and embrace happy new beginnings. Several suitors will show interest in you this week

You're attracting amazing romance this week because everything you've been creating has succeeded. Now is your time to be seductive and appealing.

 Take advantage and consider all options. You deserve abundance.

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