Top 8 Dog Training Tips

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1.Find the right reward.

Dogs vary in food motivation. Some love treats, others prefer play or affection. Adjust rewards accordingly for better results.

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2.Consistency is key.

Consistency in dog training is vital: same cues, intonation, and household rules. Confusion arises when everyone isn't on the same page.

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3.Train little and often.

Short, repeated training sessions are effective. Keep them under 5 minutes to prevent distractions. Vary locations and distractions for better learning.

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4.Build up in stages

Break down complex behaviors, like "stay," into smaller parts. Start with rewarding one step towards you for "come" training. Gradually build up.

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5.Make it fun

"Make training fun! Use positive methods, mix it up with play, and teach tricks for a joyful bond with your dog.

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6.Praise the small things.

Praise your dog for small improvements to stay motivated and focused on training goals. Celebrate the little wins!

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7.Work training into daily life.

Incorporate training into your pet's routine: practice commands before meals, walks, and playtime for shorter, frequent sessions.

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8.Use your hands.

Dogs comprehend hand signals better, combine with verbal commands or start with signals alone.