Trainer-Loved Bodyweight Workout Lose 10 Pounds in a Month

 A solid circuit regimen needs strong lower-body workouts. The squat is the best way to work your glutes

 Bodyweight Squats

 Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart and toes slightly turned out to squat. Kneel and hip bend, s

 Bodyweight Squats

 Lunges are another great lower-body workout. This activity promotes balance, lower-body mobility


 Lunges start with hip-width feet. Big stride forward with your functioning leg. Lower your hips by bending your back knee


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 Sprints burn calories and increase lower body explosiveness, agility, muscularity, and the capacity to swiftly move


 The intensity of a "sprint" depends on your fitness level. A quick stroll may raise your heart rate


 After finishing, decelerate gently by bending at your knees and "pushing the ground away" for five to 10 steps


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