Who Lost Belly Fat's Best Eating Habits
"PLAN! Always plan. Every Sunday since I started my quest, I prepare my weekly menus and grocery list
"Avoid fast food, fried food, and alcohol. Proper diet is essential. We can't outwork a poor diet."
"My #1 advice is replacing processed carbs/high sugar with protein-rich real meals. If I wanted cake
A steady calorie deficit is my best belly fat loss advice! You don't have to workout. A calorie restriction will reduce
"My top suggestion is to love fruit! I avoided fruit for years since my brain imprinted it as negative for me
"Eat veggies. Personal experience: I ate my plate's veggies first. Having vegetables or mixed green salads with lunch
So long soda is my #1 belly fat-loss advice! I noticed that drinks made my stomach bloat like crazy. It was sugary too.