Why Do Dogs Lick You?

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Reasons dogs lick: affection, attention-seeking, maternal instinct, taste. Usually harmless, but can be trained to lick less if annoying.

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Dogs lick people to show affection and learned it from their mothers. It's a natural behavior and not a serious problem.

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Attention-seeking dogs seek any form of attention, even negative reactions. Instinct: Licking may be passed down from wolves, who regurgitate food for their young.

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Dogs licking humans for taste, but obsessive licking can be a disorder. Vet and behaviorist help, medication may be used temporarily.

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Dog licking generally harmless, but mouths contain bacteria. Unlikely to cause harm unless enters open wound. Can be seen as gross.

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Deny attention when dog licks. Reward when it stops. Attach word to gentle kisses. Consider hiring a trainer.