Women's Weight Loss Through Strength Training Once Daily

 Exercising the Chest Dr. Bohl instructs us to begin by working on our upper bodies with the first two exercises, which target our "push" muscles. 

 Elevated Shoulder Presses You should start the shoulder press by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart. 

  Rows Dr. Bohl recommends continuing with the upper body by performing the following two exercises, both of which target the 'pull' muscles. 

 Back Extensions Lat pulldowns need you to sit at a machine with your thighs positioned under a pad. Keep both of your ft firmly on the ground. 

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Abdominal crunches "Crunches target the abdominal muscles and can be a good transition between exercising the top half of the body and moving on to exercising the lower half of the body," says Dr. Bohl.

 Pressing One's Own Legs "Leg presses and leg flexion are two powerhouse workouts for your legs, targeting the glutes and the many muscles in your thighs (the quadriceps and hamstrings)," Dr. Bohl informs us.

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