Worst Food Pairings for Weight Loss  

 A dysfunctional digestive system can damage your stomach lining and cause weight gain owing to calorie mismanagement

 Bananas and milk

 Food pairings like bananas and milk might harm your health.

Bananas and milk

 This popular breakfast staple may not be as good as you believe. Combining two carbs increases your risk

 Toast with jam

 Despite your heartbreak, eating chips and salsa may set back your weight reduction efforts.

 Chips and salsa

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 "I advise against eating foods that don't have a balance of the aforementioned core nutrients (fiber, fat, and protein),

Chips and salsa

 A food that comforts us but hinders weight loss. "Most canned tomato soups are surprisingly high in sugar, thanks to added

 Grilled cheese

 Research suggests oatmeal is a top weight-loss option. But "eating oatmeal and dried fruit alone will offer some fiber

 Oatmeal and dried fruit

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